
ICAN is a project of UNESCO IOC´s IODE Programme, and ICAN members seek to play a leadership role in forging international collaborations of value to the participating nations, thereby optimizing regional governance in coastal zone management and marine spatial planning.


We live on a blue planet, with oceans and seas that cover more than 70% of the Earth's surface. The oceans feed us, regulate our climate, and generate most of the oxygen we breathe. Approximately 37% of the world's population lives within 100 km of the coast. (UNEP)


CWAs are "...collections of digital maps and datasets with supplementary tables, illustrations, & information that systematically illustrate the coast, oftentimes with cartographic & decision support tools, all of which are accessible via the Internet."  O'Dea et al., 2007


Membership in ICAN is open to all interested parties who agree to the mission & objectives of ICAN, including those with an operational coastal web atlas, as well as those hoping to design and build a coastal web atlas in the future.

Join us!

Mr. Steve Erique, who works at the Comisión Permanente del Pacifico Sur (CPPS) office in Ecuador made a one-week training visit to the Coastal and Marine Research Centre (CMRC) in Cork, Ireland in May 2014. CPPS is responsible for regional atlas developments for  the IOC-sponsored SPINCAM. Steve has already deployed SmartAtlas and is testing its potential to be the operational technology for the development of the SPINCAM regional Atlas. During his visit Steve learned more about tailoring SmartAtlas and some of the ‘tips and tricks’ to get the most out of the SmartAtlas technology. The CMRC will continue to assist SPINCAM and CPPS in training and customisation of  SmartAtlas in the coming months. 

From left: Alejandro Iglesias-Campos, IOC–UNESCO/ICAM Steve, Erique, CPPS, 
Ned Dwyer, ICAN Co-chair and CMRC, Ali al-Othman, SmartAtlas developer, CMRC, at the offices of the CMRC in Cork, Ireland.

  For our Coasts

Vol, 8, Nr 2 - Now Available!

We are now entering our 9th year publishing the ICAN newsletter. Many thanks to our Editor Andy Sherin!

Please consider preparing an article for the next newsletter that will likely be published in the spring of this year.

Happy New Year!

Photos from CoastGIS 2018

Our friends from CoastGIS 2018 have posted a wonderful gallery of photos, including the recent ICAN mini-workshop:

See how many ICAN members you can spot!