The ICAN Technical Team has a history of collaboration on Technical Cookbooks. Older Cookbooks were produced in PDF format, and more recently in GitHub. Those resources are linked here, and could form the basis for future work.
Understanding Semantics
This cookbook provides a tutorial for those who wish to investigate and make use of semantic web and knowledge organization system technologies. These technologies fall broadly into three groups: vocabularies, thesauri and ontologies. This cookbook includes material explaining how to deploy semantics that are required by the ICWA prototype, utilising the NERC Vocabulary Server (NVS) infrastructure.
Understanding Metadata
Thiscookbook provides a tutorial for those who wish to understand metadata. Included is a description of metadata and why we need it, metadata standards in use today, description of different metadata hierarchy levels, and a list of some metadata editing tools available. The section also references example metadata records aimed at system developers who are familiar with ISO 19115/19119 metadata implemented in ISO 19139 XML. These metadata examples include semantic keywords which are registered in the NVS.
Establishing a CSW metadata catalogue
This cookbook provides a tutorial for those who wish to understand CSW (Catalog Services for the Web) metadata catalogues. Included is a description of a metadata catalogue, the CSW standard, and a list of selected CSW servers. The document also contains initial pointers to establishing a CSW server using GeoNetwork open source and examples of selected CSW query operations aimed at system developers. GeoNetwork is recommended and used by the NETMAR project.
Connecting your Atlas to the ICWA prototype
This cookbook provides a step-by-step guide explaining how to connect a local atlas as a node in the ICWA prototype utilising technologies and standards described in the other cookbooks. This cookbook specifies the ICWA connection requirements including metadata (ISO 19115/19119/19139), CSW metadata catalogues (CSW 2.0.2, ISO Metadata Application Profile version 1.0.0), and supported ISO 19139 encoding forms for semantic keywords.